ai-powered recording help section

Sign in Using Your Email and Password
To sign in using your email and password:
- Visit the application portal URL.
- Enter your email address and password (which is emailed during the user setup process).
- Click ‘sign in’.
Sign Out
To sign out, click the ‘user icon’ then select ‘log out’.
Change Your Password
To change your password:
- Click on the user icon.
- Select change password.
- Enter your old password, your new password.
- Confirm your new password.
Password Criteria
An acceptable password must:
- Be at least 8 characters
- Contain at least:
- 1 uppercase letter.
- 1 lowercase letter.
- 1 digit.
- 1 special character. Acceptable special characters are ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * +.
![]() | The default policy setting is for a password to be changed every 100 days. The new password cannot be the same as the last 10 passwords set. |
Recover Your Password
If you forget your password, please click on the Can’t access your account? link which will take you through the password reset process.
![]() | If you enter the wrong password 3 times in succession, the account will be locked for a period of 30 minutes. The link Can’t access your account? can be used once the lockout period is complete. |
Set Up Your Organization
Setting up your organization involves configuring:
- Compliance policy to mask CLIs/Caller IDs.
- Excluded numbers – exclude phone numbers from a user’s recording policy.
- Storage location of recordings.
- CRM integration with the recording portal.
- Multifactor Authentication (MFA) (if required).
![]() | Default settings will ensure that all calls are recorded and stored. |
Set Up Users
To set up users for your organization, go to Settings > User Management. Click on the edit icon on the user tile to open the user’s profile page and follow the the steps below. Where available, users can be manually added by selecting the add icon on the User page.
Users can be set up to match the needs of the organization in the following ways:
- Recorded plus playback users are recorded and have access to the portal. Follow steps 1-6 below.
- Recoded users are recorded, but do not have access to the portal. Follow steps 1-3 below.
- Playback users have access to the portal as determined by permissions set by administrators. Follow steps 4-6 below.
Step 1: Choose a license
![]() | A user’s license determines the features that others can apply to their recordings and the recording storage and retention period. If the user is not being recorded, choose no license. |
![]() | Where licenses are automatically allocated at synchronization, it may be necessary to reallocate licenses according to user requirements. It may also be necessary for licenses to be unallocated before reallocating them. When permanently disabling recording for a user, ensure that their BroadWorks recording policy is disabled. This will prevent reallocation at synchronization which occurs every 4 hours. |
To allocate a license to each user, administrators should:
- Go to Settings > User Management
- Select a user and choose a license from the License drop down menu of the profile window.
- Save selection.
Step 2: Add a device (where available)
Add a device to each recorded user. From the user’s profile page, click Attach Device. Select a device and save.
Step 3: Set up a recording policy for individual users if required
By default, all calls of recorded users will be stored. To configure a recording policy for individual users:
- On the users profile page, click on the Edit icon next to the recording policy.
- Choose whether your selection should be included or excluded.
- Select to mask inbound, outbound and internal calls. Multiple options can be selected.
Step 4: Assign a permission group
Go to the permissions page of the user’s profile and select a permission group from the drop-down menu. There are four default permission groups available (Super Admin, Recording Admin, Playback Supervisor and Recording Agent).
Administration access is included in the following default permission groups:
- Super Admin provides users with full administration access and access to all product features.
- Recording Admin users can manage users, groups scorecards, topics, outcomes and system settings.
- Playback Supervisors can manage users, groups and scorecards and can also listen to, share and evaluate recordings.
When a permission group has been selected, the permissions allocated to that group are displayed.
![]() | It is possible to define your own permission groups, by selecting discrete permissions. |
Step 5: Check users’ playback network and edit as required
A user’s playback network identifies the people whose recordings they can access.
![]() | By default, a user’s playback network is set to My Recordings, giving users the ability to access their own recordings. |
The playback network can be edited by adding or removing:
- People, which are based on the organization’s hierarchy, and can be limited to the users themselves.
- User groups, which are based on groups that are manually configured in System Settings > User Management > User Groups.
Step 6: Check user email and enable login
In cases where user email IDs are autogenerated at synchronization, they will have to be edited.
Where available, the enable login toggle should be turned on for users who should have access to the portal. When the toggle is enabled, users will be emailed their login credentials.
Configure the Recording Portal
Tools used to assess and analyze recordings need to be configured:
- Evaluation and scorecards
- Topics and keywords
- Outcomes & reason codes
Your organization is now ready to start using the recording portal.
Useful Information
Your administrator has set your permissions. To view your permissions open your profile using the icon on the top right. If you have any questions about your permissions, please contact your administrator.
The home dashboard is divided into two parts:
- The left panel contains a recordings and evaluation overview that allows you to view and select recordings by applying filters. Each of the sections can be opened using the open icon. The whole left panel can be collapsed by clicking on the central arrow.
- The right panel contains the filtered list of recordings. Each entry allows you to perform numerous actions. From the right dashboard you can: play, flag, share, download, and access the recording details page.
How to Get Started
Step 1: Search for recordings
- Open the filters drop-down on the left panel and select your filters.
- Click Filter to reveal the filtered recording list in the dashboard on the right.
- Further refine your search by:
- Clicking on any of the results on the left panel.
- Using the search field on the top right.
- Sorting the table by clicking column headings.
- Drill down by changing the dashboard view using the icons on the top right.
Step 2: Play recordings
The right dashboard contains a filtered list of recordings. To play, click on the play icon against the recording. This will open the player. Recordings can also be played from the details page. To open the details page, click on a call record. The recording will play automatically.
Step 3: Evaluate and analyze recordings
Click on the record to open the recording details and:
- View a transcript of the recording.
- Comment on recordings.
- Evaluate recordings.
- Assess outcomes.
- Access participant history.
- Access playback audit logs.
Recordings can also be flagged, downloaded and shared from the home dashboard.
Transcriptions will be captured from conversations in the following languages:
Recording Portal
The portal is delivered in US English as standard. The following language options are available:
User Profile
User Permissions
![]() | User licensing, login, permissions and playback network are managed by administrators. |
The recordings dashboard is divided into two parts.
The left panel contains a calls and evaluation overview that allows you to view and select recordings by applying filters. Each of the sections can be opened using the open icon. The whole left panel can be collapsed by clicking on the arrow.
The right dashboard contains the filtered recording list. Each entry allows you to perform numerous actions.
The left panel of the recordings dashboard contains powerful filtering options.
Click on the filter icon to filter by date, time and participants. Additional filters are available including call direction, call type, call duration, platform, topics, flag, evaluation score, sentiment and transcription where available. Multiple filters can be applied.
Recordings can be further filtered using KPIs: totals, evaluation, flags, and outcomes. If your recorded users are AI enabled, you can also filter by sentiment and topic.
KPI filters that are applied are displayed in a panel above recording list, and can be removed by using the delete icon.
Once filters have been applied, the columns of the filtered list can be sorted. For more specific searches, use the search bar on the top right of the screen.
Recordings can be played either by clicking the play button in the recording list, or from the recording details page, which can be accessed by clicking on the call record.
To download a .wav file of the recording, click on the download icon in the actions column.
To securely share a recording:
- Click on the share icon in the actions column.
- Internal users can be selected from the list. To send a link of the recording to an external user, click on the External tab and enter an email address.
- Select the duration of access (the amount of time the link to the recording is active).
The recipient will receive a link to the selected recording for the chosen duration period.
![]() | When sharing a recording, if the duration selected is longer than the recording storage period, the link to access the recording will expire when the storage period ends. |
The icons on the top right enable the recordings list to be viewed by hour, day, week, month, list, sentiment, flag, users, and evaluators. The show more icon gives further options to view by topics and outcomes.
These view options provide a graphical representation of the selected view and include details such as sentiment, top users and most discussed topics for that view. These viewing options are displayed in the filters panel and can be removed using the delete icon.
One of six flags (red, yellow, green, orange, blue and purple) can be allocated to a recording.
- To add a flag, click on the flag icon next to the recording and select a colour.
- To change a flag, click on the flag icon next to the recording and select an alternative colour.
- To delete a flag, click on the flag icon next to the recording and select the clear icon.
Totals of flagged recordings are listed in the left panel of the home screen.
![]() | A user’s license determines the features that others can apply to their recordings. |
Comments can be added to recordings from the details page. Comments can be private (only visible to the user adding the comment) or public (visible to everyone with access to the recording). This privacy selection cannot be edited.
Add Comments
To add a comment to the whole recording:
- Click on the call record to open the recording details, then click on the Comment icon.
- Add text in the Add Comment field, mark private if necessary and save.
To add a comment to part of a recording:
- Select a zone on the recording waveform and click on the comment icon.
- Add text in the Add Comment field, mark private if necessary and save.
Comments and comment details, such as who made them and when, will appear in the comments window.
![]() | Multiple comments can be added. The most recent comment is shown first, detailing who made the comment and the date and time it was made. When hovering over a comment, the selection zone will be highlighted on the recording waveform. |
Play Comments
To play a comment zone, click on the play icon within the comment panel.
![]() | If a comment has been added to a section of a recording that has been locked, the section will not play. |
Edit and Delete Comments
Comments can be edited and deleted by the individual who made them. To edit saved comments, click the edit icon in the comment box. To delete a comment, click on the delete icon in the comment box.
Assess outcomes to gain a better understanding of performance. Reason codes for each outcome can also be selected. Outcomes and reason codes are configured by an administrator.
Apply an Outcome to a Recording
Click on an a call record to open the details page. Click on the Outcomes button, select an outcome and reason code from the drop down menus. The option to add notes is available. Save.
![]() | Only one outcome and reason code can be added to a recording. |
Filter by Outcome
From the home screen, expand the Outcomes panel by clicking on the arrow. Click on an outcome to filter call records.
View by Outcome
To view recordings by outcome, click show more on the top right of the screen and select Outcomes.
![]() | A user’s license determines the features that others can apply to their recordings. |
Scorecards can be used to evaluate recordings. Rate this Call is the default scorecard available. Other scorecards can be created by an administrator. Those with evaluation permission can evaluate calls made by people in their playback network.
Scorecards consist of a series of questions that can be used to evaluate calls. The call is assessed against each question using a 5 star rating. Half star increments are available. An overall score is calculated to determine the overall quality of the call as good, average, or poor.
Call evaluation can be accessed from the home screen by clicking on the evaluate icon in the call list, or from within the detail by choosing the Evaluate button. Calls that have already been evaluated are marked with a tick. Those that have not been yet evaluated are marked with a cross.
Evaluate a Call
To evaluate a call:
- From the home screen, click on the cross in the relevant Evaluated Calls column.
- Click on the Evaluate button to select a scorecard.
- Evaluate the call against each question by selecting an appropriate star rating from 1 to 5. Half star increments are available.
View and Edit a Call Evaluation
To view the evaluation of a call, click on the tick in the Evaluated Calls column for that call, or choose the Evaluate button from within the call detail. The score for each question is displayed, as well as the overall score, the date and time the call was evaluated, and the name of the evaluator.
To change the star rating for any question, select a new rating, then save. The overall score will be adjusted accordingly, and the evaluation details will be updated.
![]() | Do you know how call quality is affected by the overall call activity of your business? Are calls more successful outside of busy periods, for example? With Analytics 365 Call Analytics you can analyze call activity and customer wait times to manage staffing levels and improve outcomes. To find out more, speak to your administrator. |
View Calls by Evaluators
To view the call list by evaluators, click on the View by Evaluators icon on the top right of the screen.
![]() | A user’s license determines the features that others can apply to their recordings. |
Our AI technology converts audio recordings into searchable text with a high level of accuracy. Transcripts are available for calls made by recorded users with AI enabled, further assisting supervisors to track agent performance and customer satisfaction.
A list of transcribed recordings for a filtered period can be viewed by selecting the transcribed button in the Totals drop-down on the left panel. Transcripts can also be viewed from within the details page. Click on the call record to open the details page.
![]() | Transcripts are used to drive other useful analytical tools including analyzing recordings by sentiment and by topic searches using keywords. |
Supported Languages
A list of languages that can be transcribed is available. Click here to view languages list.
![]() | A user’s license determines the features that others can apply to their recordings. |
AI technology is used to interpret the emotional content of recording as positive, neutral, and negative.
The emotional content of the recording is represented by a bar under the recording waveform. Colours are used to identify which emotion is displayed at a particular point in the recording. Orange indicates a neutral emotion, green a positive emotion, and red a negative emotion. This visual representation enables supervisors to quickly identify which part of a recording they wish to review.
Sentiment totals are displayed in the call summary on the left panel of the home screen.
![]() | A recording is counted as positive if 10% or more of the recording contains positive sentiment, and if the total positive score of the recording is greater than the total negative score. A corresponding logic is applied to calculate negative sentiment. |
Filter by Sentiment
Each sentiment can be filtered by clicking on sentiment icons on the left panel of the home screen.
View by Sentiment
To display a graph of recordings by sentiment, select the sentiment icon from the view menu on the top right of the home screen.
![]() | Do you need visibility of calls and call legs that are not being recorded to resolve disputes? Get Analytics 365 Call Analytics to gain visibility of a customer’s whole call journey (including those that have not been recorded) to help you improve their overall experience. To find out more, speak to your administrator. |
![]() | A user’s license determines the features that others can apply to their recordings. |
Transcripts are automatically scanned for keywords which are organized by topic. Three system defined topics are available in English:
- Escalation or complaint.
- Abusive language.
- Complimentary language.
Administrators can create new topics which can be made public or private and can be configured so that keywords are found as exact matches or as an extended search.
Using Topics to Analyze Recordings
Matched topics are listed in topics in the left panel of the home screen. Expanding the topics section will reveal the topics found, the type of match (exact or extended), and the match totals according to the level of relevance (low, medium, high).
Exact Match Topics are identified beneath the waveform at a particular point in the recording on the details page which is accessed by clicking on the record. This visual representation enables supervisors to quickly identify which part of a recording they wish to review.
Filter by Topic
To see the recordings associated with a topic, expand the Topics dropdown on the home screen. Click on the match totals to display the recordings associated with that topic. To see where an exact match occurred, open the call details page by clicking on the call record. Exact match topics can be seen in a colour coded bar under the waveform. This visual representation enables supervisors to quickly identify which part of the recording they wish to review.
View by Topic
To display a graph of recordings by topic, select the show more icon from the top right of the screen and select topics.
A participant’s history can be used to access recordings of a single participant made 15 days before, and 15 days after, a particular recording. A participant can either be a recorded user from within the organization or an external party using a single CLI/Caller ID.
To view a participant’s history, click on a call log to open the call details. Select the Participant History button.
![]() | Do you need visibility of calls and call legs that are not being recorded to resolve disputes? Get Analytics 365 Call Analytics to gain visibility of the customer’s whole call journey (including those that have not been recorded) to help you improve their overall experience. To find out more, speak to your administrator. |
Playback users can access audit logs detailing the playback, download and sharing of recordings. In addition administrators with permission to manage system settings have access to a log of admin and compliance activity.
To view the playback audit log of a particular recording:
- Click on the call record to open the call details page.
- Click Audit Logs. Log entries can be sorted by column.
Audit log results are displayed in a table showing the following details:
- Entity Type shows the part of the product that has been changed.
- Entity Name is the description of the entity that is being changed. If a user’s details are being edited, it will show the email ID of the user being edited.
- Action describes the change made.
- Property is the name of field that has been edited.
- Old Value shows the original value.
- New Value shows the change made.
- Changed by shows the email address of the administrator who made the change.
- Changed at shows the date and time the change was made.
Analytics 365 licensed recorded users can use the recording client app to pause, resume and discard recordings.
Pause/Resume Recordings in Progress
The calls in progress page shows details of the recording in progress:
- Call Start Time: the time the call started .
- User: the recorded user who has answered the call.
- Participant: the other participant in the call.
- Status: recording status (recording in progress or paused).
To pause a recording, click on the pause icon in the actions column. When the recording has been paused, the status will change to paused.
To resume a recording, click on the play icon in the actions column. When the recording has been resumed, the status will change to recording in progress.
Discard Recordings
To discard a recording, click on the delete icon in the actions column.
![]() | Once deleted, the recording cannot be retrieved or resumed. |
Users with permission to manage users and user groups can add and edit users and user groups, and manage leavers.
To view users go to Settings > User Management. The page will open to a list of all users. Select the relevant tab to view users according to their permissions: super admin, recording admin, playback supervisor and recording agent.
To view user groups go to Settings > User Management > User Groups.
Add New Users
New users are usually added at synchronization with the calling platform. Where available, new users can be added. To set up a new user, first set up the user; then add a device to that user.
Add a new user
New users can be added from Settings > User Management. Click on the Add button on the top right.
Users can be set up to match the needs of the organization in the following ways:
- Recorded plus playback users are recorded and have access to the portal. Follow steps 1-6 below.
- Recoded users are recorded, but do not have access to the portal. Follow steps 1-3 below.
- Playback users have access to the portal as determined by permissions set by administrators. Follow steps 4-6 below.
Step 1: Choose a license
![]() | A user’s license determines the features that others can apply to their recordings and the recording storage and retention period. If the user is not being recorded, choose no license. |
![]() | Where licenses are automatically allocated at synchronization, it may be necessary to reallocate licenses according to user requirements. It may also be necessary for licenses to be unallocated before reallocating them. When permanently disabling recording for a user, ensure that their BroadWorks recording policy is disabled. This will prevent reallocation at synchronization which occurs every 4 hours. |
To allocate a license to each user, administrators should:
- Go to Settings > User Management
- Select a user and choose a license from the License drop down menu of the profile window.
- Save selection.
Step 2: Add a device (where available)
Add a device to each recorded user. From the user’s profile page, click Attach Device. Select a device and save.
Step 3: Set up a recording policy for individual users if required
By default, all calls of recorded users will be stored. To configure a recording policy for individual users:
- On the users profile page, click on the Edit icon next to the recording policy.
- Choose whether your selection should be included or excluded.
- Select to mask inbound, outbound and internal calls. Multiple options can be selected.
Step 4: Assign a permission group
Go to the permissions page of the user’s profile and select a permission group from the drop-down menu. There are four default permission groups available (Super Admin, Recording Admin, Playback Supervisor and Recording Agent).
Administration access is included in the following default permission groups:
- Super Admin provides users with full administration access and access to all product features.
- Recording Admin users can manage users, groups scorecards, topics, outcomes and system settings.
- Playback Supervisors can manage users, groups and scorecards and can also listen to, share and evaluate recordings.
When a permission group has been selected, the permissions allocated to that group are displayed.
![]() | It is possible to define your own permission groups, by selecting discrete permissions. |
Step 5: Check users’ playback network and edit as required
A user’s playback network identifies the people whose recordings they can access.
![]() | By default, a user’s playback network is set to My Recordings, giving users the ability to access their own recordings. |
The playback network can be edited by adding or removing:
- People, which are based on the organization’s hierarchy, and can be limited to the users themselves.
- User groups, which are based on groups that are manually configured in System Settings > User Management > User Groups.
Step 6: Check user email and enable login
In cases where user email IDs are autogenerated at synchronization, they will have to be edited.
Where available, the enable login toggle should be turned on for users who should have access to the portal. When the toggle is enabled, users will be emailed their login credentials.
Create New User Groups
User groups are useful when adding people to a user’s playback network. New user groups can be created from: Settings > User Management > User Groups. To create a new user group:
- Click on the Add button on the top right.
- Enter a group name and description.
- Select group administrators. (These users will be able to edit the user group.)
- Select members. Group members will be added to a user’s playback network when the User Group is added.
- Click Add to save.
Edit Users
To edit a user’s profile including their details, license and login, device and recording policy:
- Go to: Settings > User Management > Users, and select a User.
- Click the edit icon on the user’s tile to open the User Profile.
- Edit the user’s profile and permissions:
- Select the user’s line Manager to set up your organization’s hierarchy. This is used to manage access to recordings when setting up the user’s playback network.
- A user’s license determines the features that others can apply to their recordings. Choose no license for users who do not need to be recorded.
- Enable a user’s login so they can access the application. Doing this will trigger an email to the user with their login credentials.
- Attach a device (where available) for recorded users.
- Edit the recording policy for each user where required. Choose whether your selection should be included or excluded from the system wide policy. Select to mask inbound, outbound and internal calls. Multiple options can be selected.
- Save changes.
Edit User Groups
To edit the group name, description, administrators and members of user groups:
- Go to: Settings > User Management > User Groups.
- Click the edit icon on the user group’s tile.
- Make changes and save.
![]() | Group administrators are able to edit user group. Group members will be added to a user’s playback network when the User Group is added. |
Managing Leavers
So that users can access recordings of people who have left the business, we recommend that the licenses of leavers are removed, but their user profile is kept active until their recordings have expired. Once their recordings have expired, their profile can be deleted.
![]() | Deleting a users profile will remove them from the playback networks of other users preventing access to their recordings. |
A user’s permissions are governed by the permission group they are assigned and the playback network allocated to them.
Permission Groups
All permissions, and the four default permission groups available, are outlined in the table below. Information about how to edit a user’s permission group, reassign permission groups for multiple users and create new permission groups can be found below.
Managing users and user groups does not include the ability to manager user permissions.
Default Permission Groups
| ||||
Permissions | Allows users to … | Super Admin
| Recording Admin | Playback Supervisor | Recording Agent |
Listen | Listen to, comment on, and assign outcomes to recordings; and view transcriptions, evaluations, participant history and audit logs of recordings. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
Share | Share recordings. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
Evaluate | Evaluate recordings using scorecards. | ✓ | ✓ | ||
Delete | Delete individual recordings. | ✓ | |||
Manage Compliance | Hold / retain recordings and lock recordings and transcripts. | ✓ | |||
Manage Users & Groups | Add / edit, user’s profile, recording network and permission group. Add / edit user groups used to manage users’ recording network. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
Manage Evaluation Scorecards | Add, edit and assign Scorecards that use questions to evaluate recordings. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
Manage Topics |
Create topics that use keywords to evaluate recordings. | ✓ | ✓ | ||
Manage Outcomes | Add / edit outcomes and reason codes to evaluate calls. | ✓ | ✓ | ||
Manage Permission Groups | Create, edit, and reassign permission groups to manage user access. | ✓ | |||
Manage System Settings |
View licenses & account details and log of admin & compliance activity. Manage CLI (Caller ID) masking, encryption keys, storage, CRM integration and email account settings. | ✓ | ✓ |
| Default permission groups cannot be edited, but new permission groups can be created. To create a new permission group, see details below. |
Edit a User’s Permission Group
A user’s permission group can be edited from within the permissions page of a user’s profile.
Reassign Permission Groups for Multiple Users
Permission groups can be reassigned from the Permission Groups page in the Settings section of the application.
- Locate the permission group to edit and select the plus icon next to the user list to open the reassign window.
On the left are users organized according to their existing permission groups. On the right are users are who are already assigned to the permission group being edited. - Search for the user. Expand the permission to reveal users.
- Click on the right arrow to add a user to the permission group. Then click Update.
Create New Permissions Groups
Access to recordings, and evaluation and configuration tools, is managed by discrete permissions. These can be grouped together to suit different roles within your organization.
Permission groups can be created in the permission groups page within the Settings section of the application.
To create a new permission group:
- Select the add icon at the top right of the page.
- Enter the permission group name and description.
- Select the permissions to assign to that group from the dropdown menu, then select Add.
Permission groups that have been added can be edited using the edit icon.
Playback Network
A user’s playback network identifies the people whose recordings they can access.
![]() | By default, a user’s playback network is set to My Recordings, giving users the ability to access their own recordings. |
The playback network is edited by adding or removing:
- People, which are based on the organization’s hierarchy, and can be limited to the users themselves. Ensure that the user’s line Manager has been added to the user’s profile page.
- User groups, which are based on groups that are manually configured in System Settings > User Management > User Groups.
![]() | User Groups allow multiple users to be added to a Playback Network in a one operation. |
Manage a User’s Playback Network
To edit a user’s playback network:
- Go to Settings > User Management > Users.
- Search for the user in the search bar and click on the edit icon inside the user’s card to open the user’s profile page.
- Click on the Permissions tab. The user’s playback network will be displayed in the right panel.
- Click Edit to edit the user’s playback network.
To edit via people field, select one of the following from the Via People dropdown
- My Recordings: User’s own recordings.
- My Direct Reports: User’s own recordings & direct reports.
- My People: User’s own recordings, direct reports and indirect reports.
- My Organization: User’s own reports and all other recorded users.
Click Update to save.
To edit via user group:
- Search for the user group by typing the group name in the select group field or select the user group from the drop down.
- To remove an existing group, click on the x icon beside the group name.
Click Update to save.
![]() | If the user group that you need does not exist, it can be created. |
Rate this Call is the default scorecard. Users with permission to manage scorecards can create and manage scorecards for evaluation.
To manage scorecards, go to Settings > Evaluation Scorecards. The scorecards page contains a list of existing scorecards and identifies who the cards have been assigned to.
Add / Create Scorecards
To create a new scorecard:
- Click on the Add button on the top right of the page.
- Enter a scorecard name and description
- Assign the scorecard to individual users or user groups.
- Click Add to save.
Once a scorecard has been created, questions can be added to it. Scorecard questions are organized into question groups.
Add Scorecard Question Groups
Once the new scorecard has been created, search for it on the scorecard page.
- Click on the Questions icon in the Actions column to open the scorecard.
- Click the plus icon to add a new question group.
- Give the question group a name.
- Select Add to save.
![]() | Multiple question groups can be added to a scorecard. Question groups cannot be shared between scorecards. |
To add individual questions to the question group:
- From within the question group window click Add, to open the Add Question window.
- Enter the question in the field provided.
- Repeat for each new question.
Edit and Delete Questions and Question Groups
Individual scorecard questions and question groups can be edited and deleted. Go to the scorecards page from the Settings section of the application, search for the scorecard, and select the Questions icon to open the Question Group window.
- To edit the question group name use the edit icon next to the group name.
- To add a new question group to the scorecard, use the plus icon.
- To delete an existing question group, click on the Delete icon in the Actions column against the question group to be deleted.
- To add more questions to an existing question group, select the group, and use the plus icon.
- To edit or delete individual questions, select the question group, and use the edit or delete icons in the Actions column.
Edit, Delete or Archive Scorecards
The name, description and assigned users of existing scorecards can be edited from the scorecards page using the edit icon in the Actions column against the scorecard name.
Scorecards that are not in use can be deleted using the delete icon in the Actions column against the scorecard name. If the scorecard being deleted is in use, the option to archive the scorecard will be provided.
![]() | Scorecards that are in use cannot be deleted, but they can be archived. |
Users with permission to manage topics can set up topics and keywords for evaluation.
Create Topics
To configure topics go to Settings > Topics. Existing topics and their keywords and phrases are listed.
To add a new topic:
- Click Add from within the Topics page.
- Name the topic and add a description.
- Enter the relevant keywords and phrases. Multiple keywords can be added.
- Choose the type of search, exact match or extended search.
- Select visibility: public or private.
- Click Update to save.
Once added, the topic and associated keywords will be added to the list of topics.
![]() | System defined topics are only supported in English. |
Edit and Delete Topics
Topics can be edited and deleted using the edit and delete icons in the Actions column against the topic name.
Users with permission to manage outcomes can set up outcomes and reason codes for call evaluation.
Create Outcomes
To configure outcomes, go to Settings > Outcomes. Existing outcomes and their associated reason codes are listed.
To add a new outcome:
- Click Add and name the outcome.
- Select existing reason codes to associate with this outcome from the drop down menu. Multiple reason codes can be assigned to one outcome. If reason codes for the outcome have not yet been created, they can be added later.
- Select Add to save.
Once added, the outcome and their reason codes will be added to the list.
Add, Edit and Create Reason Codes for Outcomes
Reason codes for outcomes can be added, edited and newly created from the Outcomes page in Settings.
Users with permission to manage compliance can use the hold /release icon on the call details page to manage the deletion and retention of recordings.
![]() | Recordings that are on hold will be kept beyond the specified storage period until it is manually released. |
To hold a recording, preventing it from being deleted:
- Click on the call to open the call details page.
- Click on the retain icon on the top right of the page.
To release a recording, click on the release icon. The release icon will appear when a recording, or section of a recording, has been placed on hold.
Lock / Hide Transcripts
Locking a recording, or part of a recoding, will block playback and hide the transcription of the part of the recording that has been locked.
![]() | Locking a recording or a section of a recording will also hide any comments within the locked section. |
To lock a recording:
- Click on a call record to go to the call details page.
- Highlight the section of the recording wave to be locked and select the lock icon.
- Reload the page.
- To unlock, click on the unlock icon above the locked section.
Users with permission to manage system settings can add and edit a compliance policy.
CLI (Caller ID) Masking
- Go to Settings > System Settings and click on the Security & Privacy button on the left menu.
- Open CLI Masking and click on the Add button.
- Choose which types of calls should be masked: Inbound, Outbound and/or Internal.
- From the dropdown menu, select the number of digits to be masked.
![]() | The newly added compliance policy will apply to past and future calls. |
![]() | When CLI masking is applied to internal calls, the participant is displayed as anonymous. Calls between organizations with a linked communication platform are counted as internal calls. The participant of these calls is displayed as the Device ID/User ID. CLI masking is applied to the Device ID/User ID displayed. |
Edit an existing compliance policy
If there is an existing policy, it will appear in the CLI window.
- Go to Settings > System Settings and click on the Security & Privacy button on the left menu.
- Click on the edit icon next to the policy.
- Choose which types of calls should be masked: Inbound, Outbound and/or Internal.
- From the dropdown menu, select the number of digits to be masked.
![]() | The new compliance policy will apply to past and future calls. |
Delete an existing compliance policy
If there is an existing policy, it will appear in the CLI window. To delete, click on the delete icon next to the policy.
![]() | Deleting a policy will remove it from all existing and future calls. |
Encryption Keys
Where available, users with permission to manage system settings can manage storage. Call recordings are stored by service providers by default. However, storage sites can be added.
![]() | Only one storage site can be active at any one time. |
- Go to Settings > System Settings and click on the Storage button on the left menu.
- If your storage is currently being managed by your service provider, you can select the Configure button. Otherwise, click on the Add on the top right.
- Select the storage type.
- Enter storage details. Then save.
- Once added, the storage site needs to be activated.
- Open the storage site and select Activate. The activated storage site will be labelled Active.
- Go to Settings > System Settings and click on the Storage button on the left menu.
- Click on the dropdown arrow next to the storage site to be edited.
- Click on the edit icon, enter new details, then save.
- Go to Settings > System Settings and click on the Storage button on the left menu.
- Click on the dropdown arrow next to the storage site and click Activate Storage.
Users with permission to manage system settings can exclude numbers from a user’s recording policy which is configured from the user’s profile page.
To add, edit and delete numbers to be excluded:
Go to Settings > System Settings > Excluded Numbers.
- To add a number click on the Add icon in the top right of the page. Enter the number and save.
- To edit a number, use the search facility to locate the number, click on the edit icon in the Actions column against the number to be edited. Edit the number and save.
- To delete a number, use the search facility to locate the number and click on the delete icon in the Actions column against the number to be deleted.
To view license and account details go to Settings > System Systems and select the relevant button from the left menu.
![]() | The email ID in the Account Details page is added during provisioning. If no email ID has been provided, a dummy email ID will be generated. Before emailing this contact, please check that the address is valid. |
MFA is a security measure that requires at least two modes of authentication before users are granted access to an application.
To enable MFA for all users, go to System Settings > Account and click on the toggle. Once enabled, when users enter their user name and password to log in, they will be emailed a one time password (OTP) that they will need to enter to gain access.
- Go to Settings > System Settings and click on the Email Account button on the left menu.
- Enter the email account details, then save.
- Send a test email to check your settings.
Administrators with permission to manage system settings have access to a log of admin and compliance activity.
- Go to Settings > System Settings > Audit Logs.
- Find records of changes made by filtering for date, entity type, entity name, and the person the entity was changed by.
- Use the search field to refine search results.
Audit log results are displayed in a table showing the following details:
- Entity Type shows the part of the product that has been changed.
- Entity Name is the description of the entity that is being changed. If a user’s details are being edited, it will show the email ID of the user being edited.
- Action describes the change made.
- Property is the name of field that has been edited.
- Old Value shows the original value.
- New Value shows the change made.
- Changed by shows the email address of the administrator who made the change.
- Changed at shows the date and time the change was made.
Records can be sorted using any column header, and the number of records displayed in the grid can be changed using the ‘Show’ dropdown.
Go to Settings > System Settings > CRM and fill out the CRM details to integrate the recording portal with the following CRMs:
- Agile CRM
- ConnectWise
- Dynamics 365
- Freshsales
- HubSpot
- Nimble
- Pipedrive
- Salesforce
- SugarCRM
- Workbooks
- Zendesk
- Zoho
Agile CRM
To integrate with Agile CRM, complete the steps below.
Step 1
- Log into AgileCRM portal to obtain the Rest API key.
- Go to Profile > Admin Settings > Developers & API. Save the Rest API Key as this will later be used as the API Token in the next step.
Step 2
- Go to Configuration > CRM Connect
- Click on the Agile CRM to view the Agile CRM connection page and fill in the following fields.
- Domain: CRMs registered domain name
- Email: registered email ID
- API Token (Rest API Key): a secret identifier
- Click save. A confirmation popup will appear once the information has been saved. The table below shows how Agile CRM data will sync with the application.
![]() | Customer records that are imported into the CRM cannot be edited within the the application’s customer directory. |
Agile CRM Customer Directory | Application Customer Directory |
First Name + Last Name | Contact Name |
Company Name | Company |
Title | Job Title |
Phone – Mobile | Mobile |
Phone – Home | Home Phone |
Phone – Work | Work Phone |
Phone – Other | Other (Number) |
N/A | Other (Number) |
To integrate with the ConnnectWise CRM, complete the steps below.
Step 1
- Login into the ConnectWise CRM portal to obtain connection parameters.
- Go to My Account > API Keys.
- Click + to generate the Public and Private API Keys/Tokens, provide a description of the key and click save to generate both keys. Save these to use in the next step.
- Go back to the ConnectWise CRM portal homepage. Go to ClientID > Partner Client IDs to generate the Client ID.
- Save these details to use in Step 2.
Step 2
- Go to Configuration > CRM Connect.
- Click on the ConnectWise link to view the ConnectWise CRM connection page and fill in the following fields:
- API URL: URL of theCRM’s API
- Company Name: company name registered with CRM
- Client ID: secret ID
- Public API Token (Key): public secret identifier
- Private API Token (Key): private secret identifier
- Click save. A confirmation popup will appear once the information has been saved. The table below shows how ConnectWise data will sync with the application.
![]() | Customer records that are imported into the CRM cannot be edited within the the application’s customer directory. |
ConnectWise Customer Directory | Application Customer Directory |
First Name + Last Name | Contact Name |
Contact Communication Item Email | |
Company | Company |
Title | Job Title |
Default Phone Number | Mobile |
N/A | Home Phone |
N/A | Work Phone |
N/A | Other (Number) |
N/A | Other (Number) |
To integrate with the Dynamics365 CRM, complete the steps below.
Step 1
- Obtain the required connection parameters.
- Create an Azure AD App (Azure Active Directory App) via the Azure portal.
- Go to the App Overview section to find the Application ID/ Client ID and the Directory ID/ Tenant ID. Save to use in the next step.
- When the App is created a Client Secret is displayed. This is only seen once after it has been generated. Save these details to use in the next step.
- Create an App User within the Azure AD in the Dynamics365 portal in order to allow the Azure AD App to integrate with CRM Connect.
- Choose a custom security role that has the appropriate user access.
- Go to Dynamics 365 org > Settings > Security, change the view to Application Users, and click +New. A new user form will open.
- Select the Application Users form and fill in the following fields: Application ID (this was created in the Azure App), Full Name and Email.
- Go to Manage Role and set the role as System Administrator.
- Create an Azure AD App (Azure Active Directory App) via the Azure portal.
Step 2
- Go to Configuration > CRM Connect
- Click on the Dynamics365 link to view the CRM connection page and fill in the following fields:
- URL: URL of the CRM
- Client ID (Application ID): a unique public identifier
- Client Secret: a secret key
- Tenant ID (Directory ID): Unique ID for the organisation
- Click save. A confirmation popup will appear once the information has been saved. The table below shows how Dynamics365 data will sync with the application.
![]() | Customer records that are imported into the CRM cannot be edited within the the application’s customer directory. |
Dynamics365 Customer Directory | Application Customer Directory |
First Name + Last Name | Contact Name |
Email address 1 | |
Company | Company |
Job title | Job Title |
Mobile phone | Mobile |
N/A | Home Phone |
Telephone 1 | Work Phone |
Fax | Other (Number) |
N/A | Other (Number) |
To integrate with the Freshsales CRM, complete the steps below.
Step 1
- Log into the Freshsales portal to obtain the API Key/Token.
- Go to Settings > API Settings. Confirm the CAPTCHA to view the API Key/Token. Save the token to use in the next step.
Step 2
- Go to Configuration > CRM Connect.
- Click on the Freshsales to view the Freshsales CRM connection page and fill in the following fields:
- API Token (API Key): a secret identifier.
- Click save. A confirmation popup will appear once the information has been saved. The table below shows how Freshsales data will sync with the application.
![]() | Customer records that are imported into the CRM cannot be edited within the the application’s customer directory. |
Freshsales Customer Directory | Application Customer Directory |
Display Name | Contact Name |
Sales Accounts Name | Company |
Job Title | Job Title |
Mobile Number | Mobile |
N/A | Home Phone |
Work Number | Work Phone |
N/A | Other (Number) |
N/A | Other (Number) |
To integrate with the HubSpot CRM, complete the steps below.
Step 1
- Log into the HubSpot CRM Portal to obtain the API Key/Token.
- Go to Settings > Integration > API Key > Private Apps. Click Create a private app. Save the Active API key to use in the next step.
Step 2
- Go to Configuration > CRM Connect
- Click on the HubSpot link to view the HubSpot CRM connection page and fill in the following fields:
- API URL: The URL of the CRM API
- API Token (API Key): a secret identifier
- Click save. A confirmation popup will appear once the information has been saved. The table below shows how HubSpot data will sync with the application.
![]() | Customer records that are imported into the CRM cannot be edited within the the application’s customer directory. |
HubSpot Customer Directory | Application Customer Directory |
First Name + Last Name | Contact Name |
Company | Company |
Job Title | Job Title |
Phone | Mobile |
N/A | Home Phone |
N/A | Work Phone |
N/A | Other (Number) |
N/A | Other (Number) |
To integrate with the Nimble CRM, complete the steps below.
Step 1
- Login into ‘Nimble CRM’ Portal to obtain the API Token.
- Go to Account > Settings > API Token. If an active token is available, it will be listed under the API Tokens tab. Otherwise, click on Generate New Token. Save API token to use in the next step.
Step 2
- Go to Configuration > CRM Connect
- Click on the Nimble link to view the Nimble connection page and fill in the following fields:
- API Token: a secret identifier.
- Click save. A confirmation popup will appear once the information has been saved. The table below shows how Nimble data will sync with the application.
![]() | Customer records that are imported into the CRM cannot be edited within the the application’s customer directory. |
Nimble Customer Directory | Application Customer Directory |
First Name + Last Name | Contact Name |
Parent Company / Company Name | Company |
Title | Job Title |
Phone – Mobile | Mobile |
Phone – Home | Home Phone |
Phone – Main | Work Phone |
Phone – Other | Other (Number) |
N/A | Other (Number) |
To integrate with the Pipedrive CRM, complete the steps below.
Step 1
- Log into the Pipedrive CRM Portal to obtain the API Token.
- Go to the Profile Picture > Personal Preferences > API.
- If an active token is available, it will be listed under Your personal API token. Otherwise, click on Generate new token. Save the API Token to use in the next step.
Step 2
- Go to Configuration > CRM Connect.
- Click on the Pipedrive CRM link to view the Pipedrive CRM connection page and fill in the following details:
- API Token: a secret identifier
- Click save. A confirmation popup will appear once the information has been saved. The table below shows how Pipedrive data will sync with the application.
![]() | Customer records that are imported into the CRM cannot be edited within the the application’s customer directory. |
Pipedrive Customer Directory | Application Customer Directory |
First Name + Last Name | Contact Name |
Organisation Name | Company |
N/A | Job Title |
Phone – Mobile | Mobile |
Phone – Home | Home Phone |
Phone – Work | Work Phone |
Phone – Other | Other (Number) |
N/A | Other (Number) |
To integrate with the Salesforce CRM, complete the steps below.
Step 1
- Login to the Salesforce portal to obtain the required connection parameters.
- Go to App Manager, find the Salesforce App and click View Action. The Consumer Key/ Client ID will be displayed in the next window. Save to use in the next step.
- To find the Consumer Secret/ Client Secret click Reveal. Save to use in the next step.
- Click on the profile picture and go to Settings > Check my personal information > Reset my security token.
- The Security Token will be emailed to you to use in the next step.
Step 2
- Go to Configuration > CRM Connect. Click on the appropriate CRM link to view the connection page. If you have selected the wrong CRM click Switch.
- Enter the following fields:
- URL: URL of the CRM
- Username: username registered with the CRM
- Password: password corresponding to the registered username
- Client ID (Consumer ID): unique public identifier required for syncing
- Client Secret (Consumer Secret): secret key
- Security Token: a case-sensitive alphanumeric key
- Click Save. A confirmation popup will appear once the information has been saved. If you need to clear the contents of the fields click Reset.
- Click Sync Now to manually sync the contact details from the CRM with the application. Otherwise, data is also automatically synced at regular 4 hour intervals. The table below shows how Salesforce data will sync with the application.
![]() | Customer records that are imported into the CRM cannot be edited within the the application’s customer directory. |
Salesforce Customer Directory | Application Customer Directory |
First Name + Last Name | Contact Name |
Account Name | Company |
Title | Job Title |
Mobile Phone | Mobile |
Home Phone | Home Phone |
Assistant Phone | Work Phone |
Other Phone | Other (Number) |
N/A | Other (Number) |
Step 1
- Obtain the connection parameters for the sugarcrm CRM: the URL, Username and Password. Save to use in the next step.
Step 2
- Go to Configuration > CRM Connect.
- Click on the sugarcrm link to view the sugarcrm connection page and fill in the following details:
- URL: URL of the CRM
- Username: username registered with the CRM
- Password: The password corresponding to the registered username
- Click save. A confirmation popup will appear once the information has been saved. The table below shows how sugarcrm data will sync with the application.
![]() | Customer records that are imported into the CRM cannot be edited within the the application’s customer directory. |
sugarcrm Customer Directory | Application Customer Directory |
First Name + Last Name | Contact Name |
Email 1 | |
Account Name | Company |
Title | Job Title |
Phone – Mobile | Mobile |
Phone – Home | Home Phone |
Phone – Work | Work Phone |
N/A | Other (Number) |
N/A | Other (Number) |
To integrate with the Workbooks CRM, complete the steps below.
Step 1
- Login into the Workbook portal to obtain the API Key/Token.
- Go to Configurations > Email & Integration > API Keys.
- If the API Key is available it will be listed under Key . Save it for the next step. If it is not visible, click New API Key to generate the API Key. Save the token for the next step.
Step 2
- Go to Configuration > CRM Connect.
- Click on the Workbook link to view the CRM connection page and fill in the following fields:
- API Token(API Key): a secret identifier
- Click save. A confirmation popup will appear once the information has been saved. The table below shows how Workbooks data will sync with the application.
![]() | Customer records that are imported into the CRM cannot be edited within the the application’s customer directory. |
Workbooks Customer Directory | Application Customer Directory |
Name | Contact Name |
Main Location – Email | |
Employer Name | Company |
Person Job Title | Job Title |
Main Location – Mobile | Mobile |
N/A | Home Phone |
Main Location – Telephone | Work Phone |
N/A | Other (Number) |
N/A | Other (Number) |
To integrate with the Zendesk CRM, complete the steps below.
Step 1
- Login to the Zendesk portal to obtain the Access Token/API Token.
- Go to: Settings > Integrations > OAuth > Access Tokens. Edit the existing token click on Add Access Token to generate a new token to use in the next step.
Step 2
- Go to Configuration > CRM Connect.
- Click on the Zendesk link to view the Zendesk CRM connection page and fill in the following fields:
- API Token (Access Token): a secret identifier
- Click save. A confirmation popup will appear once the information has been saved. The table below shows how Zendesk data will sync with the application.
![]() | Customer records that are imported into the CRM cannot be edited within the the application’s customer directory. |
Zendesk Customer Directory | Application Customer Directory |
First Name + Last Name | Contact Name |
Contact ID | Company |
Title | Job Title |
Mobile | Mobile |
N/A | Home Phone |
Phone | Work Phone |
N/A | Other (Number) |
N/A | Other (Number) |
To integrate with the Zoho CRM, complete the steps below.
Step 1
- Login to the Zoho portal to obtain the Client ID and the Client Secret.
- If you are presented with a welcome page, click Get Started.
- If you are presented with an Applications page click Add Client.
- Select the Server-based Applications by clicking Create Now.
- Fill in the details for the New Client.
- In the Client Type field enter Server-based Applications.
- In the Authorised Redirect URL enter the URL of the portal you are integrating with – …/ZohoRedirect.
- Click Create. This will generate the Client ID and Client Secret needed in the next step.
Step 2
- Go to Configuration > CRM Connect.
- Click on the Zoho link to view the Zoho connection page and fill in the following fields:
- Client ID: a unique public identifier
- Client Secret: a secret key
- Domain Suffix: the suffix of the application domain
- To generate the Grant Token click Get Grant Token. A page where permissions to read, create, update, and delete CRM data can be granted. Click accept to get the Grant Token which is required for OAuth 2-step authentication.
- You will be returned to the CRM Connect page with the Grant Token field filled in. Click save. A confirmation popup will appear once the information has been saved. The table below shows how Zoho data will sync with the application.
![]() | Customer records that are imported into the CRM cannot be edited within the the application’s customer directory. |
Zoho Customer Directory | Application Customer Directory |
First Name + Last Name | Contact Name |
Company | Company |
N/A | Job Title |
Mobile | Mobile |
Home Phone | Home Phone |
N/A | Work Phone |
Other Phone | Other (Number) |
N/A | Other (Number) |
Users with permission to manage groups and system settings can create authentication tokens required for implementing APIs. API tokens can be created, edited and deleted from the Settings > API Access page.
To create a new token:
- Click on the + New Token button
- Enter a name for the token.
- Set the access parameters for the token:
- Enter an expiry date.
- Select a Permission Group.
- Allocate the playback network via People and User Group.
- Save.
To edit the expiry date of an existing token:
Click on the edit icon against the token to be edited, change the date and save.
To delete an existing token:
Click on the delete icon against the token to be deleted.
C | |
Call Outcome | Call outcomes identify the possible results of calls. Once a call is identified as having a particular result, a reason code is assigned to explain how the result was achieved. |
Call Result | A call result is a particular call outcome. |
Call Sentiment | AI technology is used to interpret the emotional content of calls as positive, neutral, and negative. |
Call Waveform | A visual representation of a call recording showing sound over time. |
P | |
Permission Group | Discrete permissions are grouped together to form a permission group. There are four default permission groups: Super Admin, Admin, Supervisor and Agent. These are assigned to users to manage access to features and configuration. New permission groups can be created by administrators. |
Playback Network | A user’s playback network identifies the people whose recordings they can access. |
Q | |
Question Group | Questions used in scorecards are organized into question groups. |
R | |
Reason Code | A reason code is assigned to a call result to explain how the result was achieved. |
Recorded User | A user whose calls are recorded. |
S | |
Scorecard | Scorecards consist of a series of questions that can be used to evaluate calls. The call is assessed against each question using a 5 star rating. Half star increments are available. An overall score is calculated to determine the overall quality of the call as good, average, or poor. |
T | |
Topics | Topics consist of a group of keywords or phrases. Call transcripts are automatically scanned for these keywords and phrases which are found as either exact matches or as an extended search. |
U | |
User Group | User groups are used to manage a user’s playback network. |
Why Choose CommsChannel?
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Partner Friendly
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